Lebo chýbajúce ovládače na Windows 7 64-bit, musel som nainštalovať na nové pc s UEFI (GIGABYTE) W7 32-bit. No des, vytrápil som sa s tým jak také hoviadko.
Jeden odkaz – nedá sa. Druhý odkaz – žiadny problém. WTF ?
Robilo sa trochu za jazdy, a to sa mi vypomstilo. Na mieste som zistil, že jedna tlačka ma drivre len pre 32-bitové Windows 7. No a čo, dám tam teda 32-bit.
Reinštal. Pri poslednej obrazovke inštalátor zakričal niečo v zmysle, že nevie zinicializovať automatické prihlásenie a reštart. Potom už lne reštarty dookola. Win7 64 bit v pohode, a 32bit nie ? hm …
No to by bolo, aby nebolo. Skrátka a dobre – pokúšal som sa nainštalovať Win 7 32 bit (w/o SP), bez service packu. 64 bitová inštalačka bola SP1.
Tak som stiahol origo W7 32 bit SP1, a na prvý raz všetko zbehlo.
No haluz.
Pre úplnosť ešte uvediem, že som prepol v UEFI niečo ako UEFI rom-Legacy ROM, ale to asi na to nemalo vplyv.
64-bitová verzia bola origo zakúpena, 32-bitovú som v rýchlosti použil staršiu zo Subscription Packu, a vypomstilo sa mi to :-D..
Už ma nebaví furt editovať link na origo inštalačky, maju krátku životnosť.
32-bit Windows 7 Home Premium x86 ISO
Digital River: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65732/X15-65732.iso
64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium x64 ISO
Digital River: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65733/X15-65733.iso
32-bit Windows 7 Professional x86 ISO
Digital River: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65804/X15-65804.iso
64-bit Windows 7 Professional x64 ISO
Digital River: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65805/X15-65805.iso
Updated Working Windows 7 Direct Download Links
Windows 7 Home Premium Direct Download Links (English, German, French, Spanish)
- Windows 7 Home Premium English 32-bit
- Windows 7 Home Premium English 64-bit
- Windows 7 Home Premium German 32-bit
- Windows 7 Home Premium German 64-bit
- Windows 7 Home Premium French 32-bit
- Windows 7 Home Premium French 64-bit
- Windows 7 Home Premium Spanish 32-bit
- Windows 7 Home Premium Spanish 64-bit
Windows 7 Professional Direct Download Links (English, German, French, Spanish)
- Windows 7 Professional English 32-bit
- Windows 7 Professional English 64-bit
- Windows 7 Professional German 32-bit
- Windows 7 Professional German 64-bit
- Windows 7 Professional French 32-bit
- Windows 7 Professional French 64-bit
- Windows 7 Professional Spanish 32-bit
- Windows 7 Professional Spanish 64-bit
Note: All the ISO images of Windows 7 DVDs contain all editions of the operating system. So, a 32-bit Windows 7 Home Premium edition ISO image has all 32-bit editions of Windows 7, and the 64-bit ISO has all the 64-bit editions. The easiest way to switch Windows 7 edition is to use a little portable application called Windows 7 ISO Edition Switcher. It can easily switch the ISO image downloaded to another edition of Windows 7. For example, you can turn a Home Premium edition into Ultimate, or Windows 7 Starter, or Windows 7 Professional. But, do remember that it is still necessary to have a valid product key to activate Windows 7.